mercoledì 18 aprile 2012
lunedì 11 aprile 2011 is a reflection on memories.
A video installation returns three distinct live video feeds from as many "non-places", locations of virtual memory, where, potentially, are stored and served all the data from the Internet. A website shows new "eyes" spread all over the world on any recent found video-captured "memory station".
Human memories stored into the matrix?
The map of the humankind memories?
The passage towards the mind uploading?
Empty corridors filled of static computing machines are storing the noise of the wide streaming of the Network.
A zen meditation.
mercoledì 19 gennaio 2011
Hallucinated Journalism Bag

lunedì 20 dicembre 2010
A new project upcoming: Drops

The spectator enters an environment where the range of freedom is amplified: the water flow is controlled by the body moving in the space.
Humankind has the power to control nature when nature becomes the unicum of the objects surrounding. Overcome the dualism of human and natural environment as separate entities means to look at reality as complexity and to nature as the unique overall flow of the multiple facets of the same reality.
Water is the basic element of life in nature.
Water is the millenary matter and map of the flux of humanity and is the first component of all the known forms of life. Is the duality of the molecules composing it and the power of the link between these.
Availability of water is the primary issue of humankind. The human community aim concerns controlling the environment to keep the harmony of life floating.
System description
A transparent cube is made by plastic and plexiglass transparent pipes and components each side of the entire structure measuring 3 meters. A floor structure of intersected circles on the ground gather the water flowing from the ceiling.

The water is pumped continuously from the container under the floor (20cm high) where four electric pumps connected to a computer are hided.
From the four poles composing the structure a series of pipes arrives to feed water continuously to a grid of 100 to 300 solenoid electrovalves (the ones common used in washing machines). Water falls continuously from the ceiling.

The electric water valves are connected to a computer that translates in real time the position of any form of life under the ceiling into a video matrix. The water doesn’t fall in the real time position covered by any form of life passing through the installation.
Any movement in the water falls environment produces real time changes in a sound environment generative and produced by the water drops in the container under the floor.
Four speakers are hided into the structure.
giovedì 16 dicembre 2010
MOHRLime: Schoolplein van de eenentwintigste eeuw
venerdì 19 novembre 2010
Painteractive 2.0

Four aims where the choice of the field of interest of the game and I decided to exploit “Creativiteit” (creativity) to create a new version of Painteractive! (link) which would allow to video-painting and play sound and videographies with the body.
Painteractive 2.0 is a VJ/DJ platform with which is besides possible to add own tags or graffiti sketches with a "real" spray-can.
The iconographic choice for the projects refers to a life cycle.

The triptic of the previous three icons: the hand with the finger up (the come to life marking own presence and questioning); the feet (the steps through the walking paths); the notes (the research of the harmony in the surrounding).

The first public tryout of the prototype was on 6 of november in occasion of the theatre premiere show linked to Schoolplein project in Theatre Citadel, Groningen. The project is now working at Groninger Forum togheter with other interactive games made by artists from Frank Mohr Instituut.
The photo that opens the post illustrates the software interface for the interactive system.
Soon I will publish on this blog the MaxMSP patch that you can download and try yourself with your own DIY system.
Painteractive 2.0 collects the tools of Painteractive! in a unique spray-can hacked into an electronic device that allows to paint, choose colors, erase and choose video graphics to be inspired with pressing few buttons.
Three tools compose the system: two wooden boards and a color spray-can (revisited).
giovedì 4 novembre 2010

lunedì 11 ottobre 2010
giovedì 7 ottobre 2010

domenica 4 luglio 2010